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use blogger ai
zizwar-go's avatar


a year ago
اريد جلب ثمن ولون هاتف محمول من فئات الكمبيوتر والهاتف المحمول، اريد خمس نتائج
JPT's avatar


a year ago
zizwar-go: يمكن القيام بذلك باستخدام مكتبة UseBlogger المرفقة في الوصف أعلاه على سبيل المثال التالي:
import UseBlogger from "use-blogger";

const variables = [
  { key: "price", type: "number" },
  { key: "color", type: "string" },

async function fetchData() {
  const blogId = "YourBlogIdHere";
  const wb = new UseBlogger({ blogId });
  const res = await wb.categories(["Computers", "Mobiles"]).load(variables, 5);

في هذا المثال، يتم تحديد المتغيرات المطلوبة باستخدام التعريفات `key` و `type`، وهي `price` و `color` و `number` و `string` على التوالي. ثم يتم استدعاء `fetchData` التي تستخدم `UseBlogger` للبحث عن مقالات من فئات "الكمبيوتر" و "الهواتف المحمولة"، ويتم تحميل المتغيرات المحددة وإرجاع أول خمسة نتائج من الاستعلام في الإخراج المطبوع في وحدة التحكم `console.log`. تحتوي مكتبة UseBlogger على العديد من الخصائص والميزات الأخرى التي يمكن استخدامها لتخصيص الطلب، حسب الحاجة.
zizwar-go's avatar


a year ago
ماهو use blogger
JPT's avatar


a year ago
zizwar-go: UseBlogger هو مكتبة JavaScript ES6 التي تسمح للمطورين باسترداد البيانات من واجهة برمجة التطبيقات (API) JSON لمدونة Blogger بشكل سهل دون الحاجة إلى رمز مميز (token). تقوم المكتبة بتنظيم جميع الصور ومقاطع الفيديو في مقالة Blog إلى مجموعات منفصلة، وجمع جميع القيم المحددة في المتغيرات، وإرجاع جميع الموضوعات (threads) بتنسيق JSON. تستخدم المكتبة عن طريق استيرادها في مشروعك وإنشاء مثيل جديد من فئة UseBlogger، مع تمرير معرف أو عنوان URL للمدونة التي تريد الحصول على البيانات منها. بعد ذلك يمكنك استدعاء طريقة load على مثيل UseBlogger الخاص بك وتمرير مجموعة من الكائنات التي تحدد البيانات التي تريد الحصول عليها. تحتوي هذه الكائنات على خاصية key لتحديد اسم المتغير، وخاصية type لتحديد نوع البيانات، وأي معلومات إضافية ضرورية لاستخراج قيمة المتغير إذا لزم الأمر. تحتوي فئة UseBlogger على عدة طرق تسمح لك بتخصيص طلب البيانات الخاص بك بشكل أكبر، مثل تعيين فئات أو تسميات لاستخراج البيانات منها أو استبعادها من البيانات المحملة، تحديد معرف مقالة محدد للاسترداد، إضافة استعلام بحث إلى الطلب، تحديد الحد الأقصى لعدد المقالات التي تريد استردادها، اختيار أو استبعاد حقول معينة من الاستجابة، تعيين عدد المقالات لتخطيها، وتعيين الحقل لترتيب الاستجابة حسبه. كما تحتوي فئة UseBlogger على طرق لتعيين نطاق التواريخ المنشورة أو المحدثة لتضمينها في الاستجابة، بالإضافة إلى طرق لتعيين وظيفة رد استدعاء لتنفيذها بعد استرداد البيانات، وتعيين البيانات للمثيل الحالي، والحصول على البيانات للمثيل الحالي.
Zizwar-gi's avatar


a year ago
اريد ان اجلب 5 مواضيع من هذه المدونة id: 9012345612345432 وبعد جلبهم اريد ان اعيد صياغة البيانات وترجمتها مدالى العربية، اعطني كود يجمع بين جلب مواضيع المدونة وكود اعادة الصياغة من خلال openai api مع gpt3.5 turbo
JPT's avatar


a year ago
Zizwar-gi: يمكنك استخدام المكتبة المذكورة في الملف المرفق UseBlogger لجلب المواضيع من المدونة، وبعد ذلك يمكنك استخدام API الخاص بـ OpenAI لإعادة صياغة البيانات باللغة العربية باستخدام GPT-3.5 Turbo. قم بتثبيت المكتبة UseBlogger من خلال npm أو استخدم الملف المرفق، ثم استخدم الكود التالي:
const UseBlogger = require('use-blogger');
const axios = require('axios');

const blogId = '9012345612345432';
const variables = [
  // تعريف المتغيرات التي ترغب في استخراجها هنا

async function fetchData() {
  const wb = new UseBlogger({ blogId });
  const res = await wb.load(variables, { maxResults: 5 }); // اجلب 5 مواضيع فقط

  const posts =;
  const arabicPosts = [];

  for (const post of posts) {
    const id =;
    const title = post.title;
    const content = post.content;

    // استخدم API الخاص بـ GPT-3.5 Turbo لترجمة البيانات
    const translatedContent = await translateText(content, 'en', 'ar');

      content: translatedContent,


// دالة لترجمة النص باستخدام API من OpenAI
async function translateText(text, sourceLang, targetLang) {
  const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY'; // قم بوضع مفتاح الواجهة البرمجية الخاص بك هنا

  try {
    const response = await'', {
      prompt: `Translate the following text from ${sourceLang} to ${targetLang}:\n\n${text}`,
      max_tokens: 100,
      temperature: 0.7,
      top_p: 1,
      n: 1,
      stop: '\n',
      presence_penalty: 0,
      frequency_penalty: 0,
    }, {
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${apiKey}`,

    const translation =[0].text.trim();
    return translation;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Translation failed:', error);
    return '';

يرجى تغيير "YOUR_API_KEY" في الكود بالمفتاح الخاص بك من OpenAI API. كما قم بتعريف المتغيرات المطلوبة في المدونة في المصفوفة `variables`، وتغيير عدد المواضيع المطلوبة في `maxResults` (في هذا الحالة سيتم جلب 5 مواضيع فقط).
Zizwar-gi's avatar


a year ago
set data [{name:"test bloge",id:23,"images":["src1","src2"]}]and unselect("id")
JPT's avatar


a year ago
Zizwar-gi: To set the data and unselect the "id" property, you can modify the code as follows:
import UseBlogger from "use-blogger";

const variables = [
  { key: "name", type: "string" },
  { key: "images", type: "array", asArray: "images" },

async function myJsonBlogger() {
  const data = [{ name: "test blog", id: 23, images: ["src1", "src2"] }];

  const wb = new UseBlogger({ blogId: "8277077996046083588" });

  const res = await wb.load(variables);
  const filteredData = => {
    return obj;

  console.log("length=" + filteredData?.length);

In this code, the `setData` method is used to set the data array with the value `[{ name: "test blog", id: 23, images: ["src1", "src2"] }]`. Then, after fetching the data using the `load` method, the "id" property is deleted from each object in the resulting `` array. The filtered data is stored in the `filteredData` variable and logged to the console. Please note that the UseBlogger library is not originally designed to handle static data. This modified code makes use of the library's methods to achieve the desired result with the given data, but it may not be the intended use case of the library.
Zizwar-gi's avatar


a year ago
I want you to create an article or thread to put on the medium site based on what is out there about UseBlogger
JPT's avatar


a year ago
Zizwar-gi: Title: Simplify Data Retrieval from Blogger API with UseBlogger Introduction: In today's digital era, blogs are a popular way to share information and express ideas. And when it comes to managing blogs, Blogger is a widely-used platform. However, working with the Blogger API to fetch data from a blog can be challenging for developers. That's where the UseBlogger library comes to the rescue. In this article, we will explore how UseBlogger simplifies data retrieval from the Blogger API, demonstrating its usage and highlighting its key features. ## What is UseBlogger? UseBlogger is a JavaScript ES6 module that offers developers an easy and efficient way to retrieve data from a Blogger blog's JSON API without the need for an access token. It organizes photos and videos into distinct groups, allowing you to extract various values defined within variables. When invoked, UseBlogger returns all threads in JSON format. ## Installation and Usage To get started with UseBlogger, you can either download the main.js file and include it in your project or install it using npm (Node Package Manager) or deno. Once imported, you can create a new instance of the UseBlogger class by passing in the ID or URL of the blog you want to fetch data from. Here's an example:
import UseBlogger from "use-blogger";

const variables = [
  { key: "price", type: "number", regex: "price*[:=]*(.*?)[;<]" },
  { key: "discount", type: "number" },
  { key: "quantityAvailable", type: "number", as: "qnt" },
  { key: "currentPrice", type: "number" },
  { key: "sizes", type: "array", asArray: "options" },
  { key: "colors", type: "array", asArray: "options" },

async function fetchBlogData() {
  const blogId = "8277077996046083588";
  const wb = new UseBlogger({ blogId });
  const res = await wb.load(variables);
  console.log("Length of data: " + res?.data.length);

In the above code snippet, we create an instance of the UseBlogger class with the specified `blogId`. We pass an array of `variables` objects that define the data we want to fetch from the Blogger API. Once the `load` method is invoked, UseBlogger will fetch and organize the requested data into the `res` object. We can then access the fetched data and its length accordingly. ## Customizing the Data Request UseBlogger provides several methods to further customize your data request. You can set specific categories or labels to fetch data from or exclude certain categories or labels. You can also define a maximum number of posts to fetch, add a search query to the request, select or exclude certain fields from the response, set the number of posts to skip, and even order the response based on a specific field. ## Conclusion Working with the Blogger API to retrieve data from a blog becomes a breeze with the UseBlogger library. Its intuitive syntax and comprehensive set of methods allow developers to effortlessly fetch, organize, and manipulate blog data. Whether you need to extract prices, discounts, quantities, or any other variable defined within your blog posts, UseBlogger simplifies the process for you. So why not give UseBlogger a try? Explore the library, experiment with its features, and unlock the potential of the Blogger API in a more efficient and structured manner. Happy coding! --- By using the UseBlogger library, developers can easily retrieve data from Blogger's JSON API and harness the power of blog data in their applications. Whether you are building a personal project or a professional application, UseBlogger offers a simple and effective way to fetch and organize blog data. So why not simplify your data retrieval process with UseBlogger?
use blogger ai
Created by zizwar-go,a year ago
Reply to me with a suitable code in Javascript, when I ask you to stick to what is in the attached file and from it create a code for me affiliated with my request, I understand the attached file The attached file is a must based on it, the attached file is:# UseBlogger The UseBlogger library is a JavaScript ES6 module that allows developers to easily retrieve data from a Blogger blog's JSON API without requiring a token. The library organizes all photos and videos in a post into separate groups, and collects all values defined in the variables, returning all threads in JSON format. To use the library, simply import it into your project and create a new instance of the UseBlogger class, passing in the ID or URL of the blog you want to fetch data from. You can then call the load method on your UseBlogger instance and pass in an array of objects that define the data you want to fetch. These objects should include a key property to specify the name of the variable, a type property to specify the data type, and any additional information necessary to extract the value of the variable if needed. The UseBlogger class has several methods that allow you to further customize your data request, such as setting categories or labels to fetch data from or excluding categories or labels from the fetched data, setting the ID of a specific post to fetch, adding a search query to the request, setting the maximum number of posts to fetch, selecting or excluding certain fields from the response, setting the number of posts to skip, and setting the field to order the response by. The UseBlogger class also has methods for setting the range of published or updated dates to include in the response, as well as methods for setting a callback function to execute after the data is fetched, setting the data for the current instance, and getting the data for the current instance. # Dependencies There are no external dependencies needed for this module. # Installation You can download the main.js file and use it in your project, or install it using npm: ```sh npm install use-blogger --save ``` in deno land ```js import * as denoblogger from ""; ``` # Usage ```js import UseBlogger from "use-blogger"; const variables = [ { key: "price", type: "number", regex: "price*[:=]*(.*?)[;<]" }, { key: "discount", type: "number" }, { key: "quantityAvailable", type: "number", as: "qnt" }, { key: "currentPrice", type: "number" }, { key: "sizes", type: "array", asArray: "options" }, { key: "colors", type: "array", asArray: "options" }, ]; async function myJsonBlogger() { const blogId = "8277077996046083588"; //or //const blogUrl = "https://<name-your-blogger>" const wb = new UseBlogger({ blogUrl, blogId }); const res = await wb.load(variables); console.log(; console.log("lngth=" + res?.data.length) } myJsonBlogger(); ``` The variables array is an array of objects that defines the variables to be extracted from a Blogger API using the UseBlogger library. Each object in the array contains properties that specify the name of the variable (key), the data type of the variable (type), and additional information about the variable if necessary. For example, the first object in the array specifies that the variable name is price, the data type is number, and the regular expression to extract the value of the variable from the blog post is "price*[:=]*(.*?)[;<]". The second object specifies that the variable name is discount and the data type is number, but no additional information is needed to extract the value of the variable. The third object specifies that the variable name is quantityAvailable, the data type is number, and the as property is used to provide an alias for the variable (qnt). The fourth object specifies that the variable name is currentPrice and the data type is number, but no additional information is needed to extract the value of the variable. The fifth and sixth objects specify that the variable names are sizes and colors, respectively, and the data type is array. The asArray property is used to provide an alias for the variables (options). # API The UseBlogger class is the main class of this module and is responsible for making requests to the Blogger API. # Constructor new UseBlogger(props): Creates a new instance of the UseBlogger class with the following properties: - props.blogId (optional): The ID of the blog to fetch data from. - props.blogUrl (optional): The URL of the blog to fetch data from. - props.isBrowser (optional): If true, the request is made in the browser environment. Default is - false. - (optional): A callback function to save data from the response. - Methods - categories(_categories): Sets the categories to fetch data from. Takes an array of strings as input. - uncategories(_categories): Sets the categories to exclude from the fetched data. Takes an array of - strings as input. - labels(_categories): Alias for categories.
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